🎨 Colorway
Create a template for a coloring page featuring Lionel Messi. The image should be in a clean, simple black and white style, with no shading or coloring, ideal for a coloring book. Lionel Messi should be shown in a typical soccer pose, controlling the ball or about to shoot. His facial expression should be focused and determined. Look for distinctive details like his jersey, short hair, and signature features that make him recognizable, but in a way that children can easily color. The image should be clean and detailed enough to serve as a coloring page.
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Create a template for a coloring page featuring Lionel Messi. The image should be in a clean, simple black and white style, with no shading or coloring, ideal for a coloring book. Lionel Messi should be shown in a typical soccer pose, controlling the ball or about to shoot. His facial expression should be focused and determined. Look for distinctive details like his jersey, short hair, and signature features that make him recognizable, but in a way that children can easily color. The image should be clean and detailed enough to serve as a coloring page. coloring page

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