🎨 Colorway
Create a Halloween-themed coloring page for young children in a cute, simple cartoon style. The illustration should include friendly Halloween characters, like a smiling pumpkin, a happy ghost, and a playful black cat, all with large, simple shapes and bold, clear black outlines. Use thick lines and avoid any shading or filled colors; the image should be entirely black-and-white with no color or shading added. Include small festive elements like stars, a crescent moon, and candy pieces to create a playful Halloween atmosphere.
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Reuse prompt
Create a Halloween-themed coloring page for young children in a cute, simple cartoon style. The illustration should include friendly Halloween characters, like a smiling pumpkin, a happy ghost, and a playful black cat, all with large, simple shapes and bold, clear black outlines. Use thick lines and avoid any shading or filled colors; the image should be entirely black-and-white with no color or shading added. Include small festive elements like stars, a crescent moon, and candy pieces to create a playful Halloween atmosphere. coloring page

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