🎨 Colorway
Create a detailed, single image of a hair dryer for a children's coloring book. The image should have clear, bold outlines with no shading, grey scaling, or internal lines or smudges. The hair dryer should be easily recognizable with detailed elements such as vents, buttons, and the electric cord positioned under it. Within the body of the hair dryer, add a small rainbow design to make it more playful and engaging. The background should be white. The style should be playful and engaging, suitable for young children to color.
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Reuse prompt
Create a detailed, single image of a hair dryer for a children's coloring book. The image should have clear, bold outlines with no shading, grey scaling, or internal lines or smudges. The hair dryer should be easily recognizable with detailed elements such as vents, buttons, and the electric cord positioned under it. Within the body of the hair dryer, add a small rainbow design to make it more playful and engaging. The background should be white. The style should be playful and engaging, suitable for young children to color. coloring page

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